Awhile back, Google added a birthday field to Google Contacts. Now, they've provided an 'interesting' Calendar that shows you your contact's birthdays. Here's how to add it:
- Open your Google Calendar
- On the 'Other calendars' drop-down, select 'Browse Interesting Calendars'
- Click the 'More' tab to display a list of interesting™ calendars.
- Click the 'Subscribe' link on the "Contacts' birthdays and events" calendar.
- Click the '<< Back to calendar' link to return to your Google Calendar.
- Under the 'Other calendars' section, you should see a new calendar called "Contacts' birthdays and events". Click this calendar to hide or show the calendar.
- Birthdays/Events are displayed with a tiny cake icon.
- Optional: Change the name of this calendar to something simple, like "Birthdays":
- Select the 'Settings' menu item from the new calendar drop-down
- Change the "Calendar Name:" field to "Birthdays".
- Click [Save] button.
You may see the birthdays for your contacts that you didn't add the date to your Contacts, if they have a @gmail address, Very likely, this information is provided by the user in their Google Profile.
Bonus: Since use Google Sync to synchronize my contacts between my Macintosh Address Book and my Google Contacts, whenever I add a birthdate to a contact (or add a new contact with a birthday), they are automatically synced to my Google Contacts, and the birthday appears on my "Birthdays" calendar. Very cool!
Bonus: Since use Google Sync to synchronize my contacts between my Macintosh Address Book and my Google Contacts, whenever I add a birthdate to a contact (or add a new contact with a birthday), they are automatically synced to my Google Contacts, and the birthday appears on my "Birthdays" calendar. Very cool!
1 comment:
The cake is a lie.
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